1 Stop Pest Control | Extreminators Ants Rodents, Wasps, Bees, Yellow Jackets Bed Bugs Mice Albany Capital Region



1 Stop Pest Control  Google Reviews | Extreminators Ants Rodents, Wasps, Bees, Yellow Jackets Bed Bugs Mice Albany Capital Region

Garrett lewis came to my property to spray several ant mounds on my property about 2 wks ago. I have sandy soil and these are the type of ants that eventually get into your house. Garrett sprayed my property for 2.5 hrs. He sprayed all around my foundation, and both retaining walls on front and back of property. He did a awesome job!! the next day i saw NO activity of any kind (although with all the rain last week, some mounds are showing activity again, i believe no matter what pest control company you use you must spray on a monthly basis to erradicate them, Garrett is professional, knowledgable and really enjoys his work. He is very trustworthy and I'm looking foward to him as my permanent pest controller. He will also spray indoors as well. 1stop pest control is a great company and VERY REASONABLE !! Give him a try, He's also very friendly

- Fran Johnson



Carpenter Ants Removal

Ants Exterminator


Carpenter ants are the biggest ants in the States. Typically, they’re black and are attracted to damp, or decaying wood. Homes with moisture issues are targets of these pests. Additionally, they can sneak in through unsealed entry ways in pipes, or wiring.


Carpenter ants are serious. They dig and borrow themselves into the wood that holds up your house. This can cause structural damage to your home as well as unappealing cosmetic issues.





Workers: The workers may be seen foraging for food.


Swarmers: Swarmers (winged ants) usually are produced when a colony matures and is ready to form new colonies. If you see a swarmer, there is a high likelihood of a serious infestation.


Debris: The debris produced from tunneling in the wood is a strong sign that you have an infestation. Rough wood shavings indicate nesting activity.


Sound: A final sign can be the rustling sound sometimes heard as the ants go about their business in the home’s walls and wood areas.


1 Stop Pest Control and eliminate your carpenter ant problem.  Call today: 518-728-5589





Pest Control Exterminator Albany Rensselaer Amsterdam Gloversville Schenectady Troy Delmar Guilderland Rotterdam Scotia East Greenbush
Pest Control Exterminator Albany Rensselaer Amsterdam Gloversville Schenectady Troy Delmar Guilderland Rotterdam Scotia East Greenbush
Pest Control Exterminator Albany Rensselaer Amsterdam Gloversville Schenectady Troy Delmar Guilderland Rotterdam Scotia East Greenbush
Pest Control Exterminator Albany Rensselaer Amsterdam Gloversville Schenectady Troy Delmar Guilderland Rotterdam Scotia East Greenbush

Exterminators | Pest Control | Bees

Carpenter Ants | Bed Bugs | Rodents

Yellow Jackets | Mice | Wasps


Serving the Albany Capital District: Albany, Rensselaer, Bethlehem, Guilderland, Colonie, Green Island, Altamont, Menands, Voorheesville, Delmar, Glenmont, Latham, Loudonville, Schenectady, Duanesburg, Glenville, Niskayuna, Rotterdam, Saratoga Springs, Ballston Spa, Malta, Halfmoon, Amsterdam, Scotia, Gloversville, Waterford, Clifton Park, Glens Falls, East Greenbush, Troy, and more.

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Albany / Rensselaer NY


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